Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Beneficial Watermelon

Those who know me well, know that I cannot stay out of doing what I love. And the kitchen is one of the places I cannot stay away from. In spite of being told by the doctor yesterday not to stress myself – but little does Dr. H know that my kitchen is where I de-stress! I will remember to pass him my Blog’s URL in our next appointment.

Someone told me that watermelon seeds (apart from raw garlic and green vegetables) are good for High Blood Pressure, yes that’s the condition I have, thanks to my short fuse! Raw garlic I wouldn’t give in to, but I was looking forward to the watermelon experience, especially on a sun-drenched day like today.

watermelon_seedsBut instead of going through the process of peeling tiny watermelon seeds, I decided to experience the real thing.
IMG_7172 IMG_7173 Some rough chops and it was ready to go into the blender.
IMG_7175The remains looked something to be done with too! Ermmm…
IMG_7176 If there is something simpler than simple, it would be this watermelon juice! Sweet and complete on its own. Thank you Mother Nature!!
IMG_7178 IMG_7177IMG_7179 Hope the watermelon’s Lycopene and all those Vitamins (A and C) will help boost me up and bring back the bonny in me!


  1. I love water melon juice and what I do is add a bit of milk & sugar too... makes a cool & refreshing watermelon shake.

  2. This is the perfect cooler now that we're having a hot summer here.

  3. I make Aqua Fresca by mixing in mint leaves amd lime juice and a little honey...heaven!
