Friday, January 14, 2011

Rediscovering Apartment 408

Sunlight is becoming a rare sight these days in TO. Sub zero temperatures are looming large o’er my little head. I am like a little plant, I perk up when I have sunshine on my shoulders. As an easy alternative, I now derive my cheer from lights, candles and fixtures in my home which are not tragically expensive. And in the process of rediscovering my home this winter, I am also organizing clutter to make streamlined displays.

166673_488658793346_580423346_6073764_5385672_n162597_178244565530148_118032338218038_445724_68087_nafricanThis is an African book end, which also doubles up as a tea light holder. Enough to keep the dark lady and me warm.

buddhaSee the halo around the Buddha? Look closely and you will see just a lamp.

162707_488661868346_580423346_6073815_5481041_nA stoneware bowl in white, red and green to float tea lights and petals.

This little tea light in the aromizer is for warmth from a close range.
167535_489298378346_580423346_6081071_5979661_nIMG_0666IMG_0652That little Moroccan lantern just fills both my heart and home with so much warmth every evening.

IMG_0675 Something to keep the Goddess’ feet warm too.

IMG_0724Even the walls cried out loud for some attention and look what they got! This curved henna wall sconce. It makes for great mood lighting on my wall of paintings and photographs. It was hand made by artisans of Marrakech, Morocco. I was told its made of stretched goat skin, natural vegetable dyes and the design you see on this sconce is made from henna. IMG_0679 Who is afraid of winter now! I have enough reasons to keep my home warm and toasty.


  1. lovely interiors to keep urself fav is the african lady : )


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  2. Feeling all warm and fuzzy now. Lovely pics Pree, especially the Moroccan lantern and lamp!

  3. just by looking at it , i feel so good,..:-)

  4. Sigh! apt 408 takes my breath away...

  5. I can't can't live without sunlight. Can completely understand you. But look at those warm glows ... bask in them and have a beautiful winter Pree. :-)
    Absolutely gorgeous snaps.

  6. Love taking a peak into others' abodes. Thanks for the tour. Your lantern really turned my head.

  7. enjoyed the virtual trip of apt#408....

  8. wow! loved all the warmth & the lantern lover says I lurve them all :)

  9. nice decor...u inspire me everyday girl!!!

  10. The lighting arrangement is creating a very whimsical effect..totally love your taste!

    US Masala

  11. love the henna wall sconce. love it.

  12. fantastic indoor pictures under challenging lighting.

  13. You have a beautiful home Pree..i love the semi modern look a lot.

  14. congrats! keep up the good work/this is a great presentation.
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