Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Don’t Let the Sun Go Down…

The sunny days and the warm weather is doing wonders to my plants here…Here are some before and after photos from my balcony garden.

IMG_6059IMG_9509IMG_9502 26091_383862093346_580423346_3927003_5641371_n IMG_6179 IMG_8279 IMG_9513 Even my two little terracotta dolls are soaking up all the sun we are getting these days. IMG_9462 Though they like to call it a “tan”.


  1. Is that Plumeria in the second last photo?

  2. @Chaitra, yes photos #6 and 7 are Plumeria/Frangipani/Champa. I got a little branch and its now sprouting leaves. I had my doubts it'd grow in Canada.

  3. My first visit here...interesting blog... great pics.
