Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sweet Beginnings…

I have a feeling my life is going to change from here completely. Its probably going to affect PreeOccupied too, hopefully in a good way.

I am looking at the world with different eyes now. Often find myself at absolutely new places, peeping through hitherto unexplored nooks. Sometimes I also experience a thrill so new, had I not been in this situation, I would have thought I was going delirious.

IMG_9542 But I am happy. Elated about the changes my soul is going through. Embracing the new beginning as it comes each day.

IMG_9536 I am shrugging off the shadows of doubt and looking up directly at the Sun. The sunlight touching my face to light it up. Its glow reflecting on my face.

IMG_9543I have been touched by life and I am thankful for this new beginning…IMG_9545 
…called Chaanaar Payesh.

Ingredients for Chaanaar Payesh are:

1+1 liter milk
3-4 tablespoons finely granulated sugar
Handful of pistachios, coarsely chopped
Quarter teaspoon green cardamom powder
Few strands of saffron
2 tablespoons white vinegar

Start boiling a liter of milk in a thick-bottom saucepan. It should start thickening on its own after about 30-40 minutes of slow cooking. Add half the pistachios and green cardamom powder.

The milk starts changing color and becomes a shade darker than its original milky white.

In another pan, boil one liter milk, as it rises to the surface of your saucepan, slowly add the white vinegar. Turn the heat off. The milk curdles and separates, leaving a lemon yellow color whey. This is your Chaanaa or paneer.

Strain the paneer in a muslin / cheesecloth. Hang curdled cheese for about 20 minutes.
In the pistachio-cardamom-flavored milk, add the Chaanaa (hung curdled cheese) and keep stirring. You can now crank the heat up to medium-high.

Let the chaanaa cook in the milk for about 5-7 minutes. Add the sugar and mix well. Give it a quick taste and see if the sugar is rightly balanced. Adjust accordingly.
Remove from heat and transfer in a dessert bowl. Garnish with strands of saffron and some chopped pistachio. Serve chilled.
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  1. Money plant and Payesh.Phata Phati combo !! I will have both go please ;)

  2. I think I need to congratulate you, do I ? :-) Stay well and safe and enjoy.

  3. Am very bad at guessing but do smell something very sweet here ... other than the payesh. ;-)

  4. I think I know what you mean :)Congratulations and celebrations are very much in order..bhaalo thaakish dear..

  5. Hey...I think I should Congratulate you... :)

  6. see already 5 persons are here to congratulate you before me. so here is another CONGRATULATIONS from me. love the chhanar payes. its yum.

  7. You've been tagged on my blog

  8. is it something beyond the payesh...
    anyway if my guess is right,then its congratulations and celebrations..pree.happy for u dear
